Open G Tuning

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5 Easy Slide Solos

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  • Peter

    Reply Reply October 21, 2016

    Griff, that was great. Just getting into slide.. and Now I need a spare guitar so some guitar shop somewhere is going to get some business!
    Sometimes I think you talk a little too quick.. it may be your natural enthusiasm, or the difference between your American and my English.. but when it gets tricky.. can you please be sure to speak clearly? Absolutely not a criticism.. your words are golden, just an observation from a non-American ear.
    Love your stuff. especially the backing tracks. I’m having a lot of fun with those.
    Peter.. Dorchester, UK

    • PAUL

      Reply Reply August 15, 2019

      bad to the bone is played in open g. with a slide. been learning it, but would ove to see you teach us the way to pay it right.

    • Sam

      Reply Reply August 15, 2019

      This lessons comes at a very interesting time. I just got back from Hawai’i and have been trying to pick up some Hawai’i songs. Apparently, most traditional songs do not have written music. So it has been a task finding how to play a certain song. I found a you-tube performance of the song. The song he played seemed simple enough but I couldn’t figure out what was going on with his fingering. The lower part of the video wasn’t always in frame, but it still seemed like he was getting an awful lot of notes with only minimal hand movement. I downloaded the video into Song Surgeon and was able to get the chords. Apparently he was doing all this music with a G, D7 and Am chords. Again the image seemed too simple for the music he was producing. I next tried a google search on the artist but he didn’t have a very established presence online. After a bit of work, I tracked down a site dedicated to a certain style of music. It had a name, but I didn’t write it down (and don’t remember) When I google that name, I came to site on OPEN G TUNING. I retuned my guitar (another site) and then could see where the fingering was coming from. Now I have an idea, and start trying to replicate the sounds he has made from the video.

      I am well into this exercise when you email comes in (same day!) about open G tuning. So instead of working on my song (Even after I learn the guitar part, I still have to figure out how to sing all the Hawai’in words)

      Well, I had to get that off of my chest. Quite a coincidence! (You aren’t tracking us like Amazon does are you?)

      Anyway the song is: E Lili’u E and I am listing the site below.

      If you ever want to do a lesson on open G tuning, for a Hawai’ian song, I know a good one to start with. Hint. Hint

      Other than that, I enjoy your videos and programs. I have several

      PS I can’t type an email address. No matter how long, the entry box stops at the c in .com

  • Alex Mowatt

    Reply Reply October 21, 2016

    Thank you for talking about slide, which is one of the most appealing forms of guitar I think. I strive to master guitar generally but slide would be the ultimate so I shall be following up on the latest course for sure. This side of the big pond, one of the best exponents of slide is Chris Rea. I know I have mentioned him before in so far as his back catalogue of CD’s is comparable with Eric Clapton in terms of numbers and material. I remember reading that he wanted his record producers to let him bring out a CD specifically featuring slide and him being told they didn’t think there was a market for that right then. He went ahead and set up his own record producing company and now produces for other artist as well as continuing to add to his own output. There so many guitarists that use slide and if I was so bold as to ask you check out Chris Rea’s tracks you might consider one or three of them to feature in future courses.

  • brian

    Reply Reply October 21, 2016

    The lick @ 3:13 kinda reminds me of the theme song from a 80’s cop show named Simon & Simon.

  • john hughes

    Reply Reply October 21, 2016

    Excellent slide stuff for beginner like me. Can you tell me about the tone on your guitar used here and any pedals and amp settings. Yours sounds nice and juicy. My attempts have been no effects on strat and the sound is not great.

    Thanks Griff.


  • Roger Nail

    Reply Reply October 21, 2016

    Can you play slide on any guitar or do you have yours set up with a higher action?

  • Jeff Orndorff

    Reply Reply October 21, 2016

    Great lesson as usual. But wondering if you could tell us your amp and guitar settings plus any boxes you are playing through when you do start your lessons?

  • Gary Hylton

    Reply Reply October 21, 2016

    Thanks Griff, but after 58 years I am still learning how to play in standard tuning. Seriously, I have your “Introduction To Slide Guitar – Standard Tuning” and enjoyed it very much!

    Thanks for everything you do to help those of us who play guitar – play better.

    Old School & Still Rockin’

  • Dennis Newberg

    Reply Reply October 22, 2016

    Thanks for the open G tuning. As my hands stiffened up from age I set up a 5 string open G as a Keith Richard copy. Would very much enjoy getting info from you on this. I have fun playing with others that play simple 1-4-5 stuff. I hope to hear from you.

  • Dennis Newberg

    Reply Reply October 22, 2016

    Thanks for the open g stuff. Hope you have some more.

  • Jack Guffey

    Reply Reply October 22, 2016

    Hey Griff, been a student for a while, enjoy all of the lessons and videos, but I really enjoy slide guitar. Have a dobro and always wondered about the tuning on electric as compared to a dobro. Why the change of sixth and first strings from a G to a D and fifth string to an A rather that a B which is the standard G tuning on a dobro? GBDGBD

  • Derek Budd

    Reply Reply October 23, 2016


    Just a comment about Bonnie Rait and Pride and Joy. Not sure if you have seen the full tribute concert put on by Jimmie Vaughan in memory of Stevie. It is great with a host of blues guitarists…BB King, Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, Bonnie plus Dr John and Art Neville on piano, plus Double Trouble. Art Neville had written a tribute to Stevie called ‘6 strings down’ (I think that is the title). A great tribute. I have the DVD of the concert somewhere. Someone has put it on You Tube for a payment, bit of a travesty that, it is not me.
    Just listening to Stevie and Double Trouble ‘In the Beginning’ that went out on air from Austin Texas for 1 hour in 1980. Apparently Stevie played on after they went off the air but that was never recorded.

  • Mike Skyba

    Reply Reply October 23, 2016

    Caption interfering with the view of the guitar

  • Ray Mederski

    Reply Reply October 23, 2016

    I’ve been one of your many students for some time, however I am having problems getting the pdf files that come with your lessons to print. Every time I click on your pdf icon the internet explorer stops running! This is only happening when I use your web site. The problem could still be on my end, I simply don’t know. Could you help me with this situation.

    Thank You
    Ray Mederski

  • jim gulley

    Reply Reply October 25, 2016

    Your videos help me a lot. I have just ordered the new 5 easy slide course from you and I am really looking forward to giving it a try. Thanks Griff.

  • john allen

    Reply Reply August 5, 2019

    Hey Griff

    Very nice lesson, I really love the sound of open G tuning with slide and blues. nice job of explaining the tuning and the scale/ think I will now turn on my amp and try this on my P93.

    Thanks for all the lessons

  • Marv Murray

    Reply Reply September 26, 2019

    Hi Griff. U sent me an email today regarding Bonnie Raitt. I’ve been trying to send it from my email to papa raptor. Can’t seem to get it done. Could u pls send it to him for me. I’ve been talking to him all day about this. Pls get this video to him somehow. Thx

  • peter nolan

    Reply Reply October 7, 2019

    Hi Griff ……..any chance you could do the same work but instead of for electric guitar, you did one for acoustic guitar. Kinda difficult going past the 12th fret for acoustic models. Thanks.

  • Loretta

    Reply Reply October 19, 2019

    I bought a resonator for this very purpose. So I’m learning and I like it. You’re my favorite all-around guitar instructor. Easy to understand and I love slide guitar.
    Thanks for making it so simple. Your fan, Loretta Siegrist

  • David Clarkson

    Reply Reply April 29, 2024

    Great video, Griff! Those first few notes of your example, and I said, “That’s how they did Motherless Children!”

  • CDiamond

    Reply Reply May 4, 2024

    Do you set up one (or more) guitars strictly for slide or just go with a light touch and not need to raise the action??

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